12 Pickleball Drills To Boost Your Skills

Are you looking to improve your pickleball skills? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, adding some drills to your practice routine can help take your game to the next level. In this article, we’ll share 12 pickleball drills that can help boost your skills and make you a more confident and effective player on the court.

From warm-up drills to net play drills, we’ve got you covered with exercises that will challenge you and help you develop your technique. With these drills, you’ll be able to improve your serving, return of serve, groundstrokes, and more. So, grab your paddle and get ready to take your pickleball game to new heights!

Key Takeaways

  • Pickleball drills can improve a variety of skills including serving, footwork, and shot placement
  • Net play and lobbing are crucial skills in pickleball and should be incorporated into practice routines
  • Precision and control are important for successful shots in pickleball
  • Quick reflexes, efficient footwork, and decision-making skills are essential for successful returns and net play.

Warm-Up Drills

Get ready to warm up those muscles and improve your pickleball game with these awesome warm-up drills! Before you begin any game or practice session, it’s important to properly warm up your body to prevent injuries and boost your performance. Dynamic stretches are a great way to get your blood flowing and prepare your body for the demands of the game. Some dynamic stretches to try include leg swings, arm circles, and walking lunges.

In addition to dynamic stretches, agility drills can help improve your footwork and reaction time on the court. Some examples of agility drills include ladder drills, cone drills, and zigzag drills. These drills can help you quickly change direction, improve your balance, and increase your overall speed. By incorporating these drills into your warm-up routine, you’ll be better prepared to handle the fast-paced nature of pickleball.

Now that you’ve warmed up your muscles and improved your agility, it’s time to focus on your serving skills. Remember, a strong serve can give you a significant advantage in the game. So, let’s move on to the next section and explore some effective serving drills to take your game to the next level!

Serving Drills

You’ll love how these serving exercises will take your game to the next level. Serving is one of the most important skills in pickleball, and with these drills, you’ll be able to improve your accuracy, power, and spin. So, let’s get started!

First, let’s talk about target practice. This is a great way to work on your precision and consistency. Set up a target on the opposite side of the court and try to hit it with your serve. Start with a larger target and gradually make it smaller as you get better. You can also try placing cones on the court and aiming for specific spots. Remember to focus on your technique and follow-through.

Secondly, let’s discuss spin serves. A well-executed spin serve can throw off your opponent’s return and give you an advantage in the game. Practice serving with different types of spin, such as topspin, backspin, and sidespin. Here are some drills to try:

  1. The Spin Challenge – Serve the ball and try to get it to spin as much as possible before it bounces.
  2. The Spin and Switch – Serve the ball with spin, then quickly switch to the other side of the court and hit a forehand or backhand.
  3. The Spin and Volley – Serve the ball with spin, then move forward and hit a volley before the ball bounces.

Lastly, always remember to vary your serves. Don’t just rely on one type of serve, as your opponent will eventually catch on. Mix it up with different speeds, locations, and spins. You’ll be able to keep your opponent guessing and gain an advantage in the game.

Now that you’ve worked on your serving skills, it’s time to move on to return of serve drills. It’s important to be able to return your opponent’s serve effectively, so you can stay in control of the game.

Return of Serve Drills

Ready to boost your pickleball return of serve skills? In this subtopic, we’ll cover three types of returns: forehand and backhand, volley, and lob. These drills will help you improve your reaction time, accuracy, and overall confidence when returning serves. So grab your paddle and let’s get started!

Forehand and Backhand Returns

Improve your forehand and backhand returns by practicing these simple drills that will help you become a more confident and skilled pickleball player. Here are some footwork techniques and shot placement strategies to keep in mind as you work on your returns:

  • Start by standing in the center of the court and having a partner serve to your forehand side. Practice returning the ball with a forehand shot, aiming for a spot just over the net on your opponent’s side of the court.
  • Next, have your partner serve to your backhand side. Practice returning the ball with a backhand shot, aiming for the same spot just over the net on your opponent’s side.
  • Once you feel comfortable with these basic shots, try mixing things up by having your partner serve to different spots on the court. Practice adjusting your footwork and shot placement accordingly.
  • Another drill to try is the “two-on-one”drill, where you and a partner stand on one side of the court and try to return shots from two opponents on the other side. This will help you improve your reaction time and decision-making skills.
  • Finally, don’t forget to practice your footwork and positioning. Make sure you’re moving your feet and getting into the right position to make the best possible shot.

Now that you’ve honed your forehand and backhand returns, let’s move on to volley returns.

Volley Returns

Now that we’ve worked on our forehand and backhand returns, let’s step up our game and focus on nailing those tricky volley returns. To master this technique, it’s important to have quick reflexes and efficient footwork techniques. Positioning is just as crucial, as it allows you to anticipate where the ball will land and strike it with precision.

When it comes to footwork techniques, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind. First, stay light on your feet and be ready to move in any direction at a moment’s notice. Use small steps to adjust your position, rather than taking big leaps that can throw off your balance. Additionally, pay attention to the position of your body and keep your weight centered over your feet to maintain your stability. In terms of positioning strategies, try to stay close to the net and anticipate where the ball will be hit. This will allow you to quickly move into position and return the ball with accuracy.

Now that you have the skills and techniques needed to become a volley return pro, let’s move on to the next section: lob returns.

Lob Returns

Who knew that lob returns could be so tricky? Let’s dive into the art of returning those high, arcing shots with finesse. To improve your lob returns, here are a few footwork techniques you can try:

  • Move quickly: As soon as you see your opponent preparing for a lob, start moving towards the back of the court to get in position.
  • Keep your feet active: Stay light on your toes and be ready to move in any direction. This will help you react quickly to the lob and adjust your position as needed.
  • Use the crossover step: When you need to cover more ground quickly, use the crossover step to move diagonally across the court. This will allow you to get into position for the lob return more efficiently.

Strategic positioning can also make a big difference in your ability to return lobs. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Stay close to the baseline: If you’re too far back, you won’t be able to reach the lob in time. Stay close to the baseline so you can move forward to make the return.
  • Angle your body: Position yourself in a way that allows you to see the ball as it’s coming towards you. Angle your body slightly to the side so you can get a better view.
  • Keep your eyes on the ball: It’s easy to get distracted by your opponent or the court around you, but keep your focus on the ball at all times. This will help you make a more accurate and effective lob return.

Now that you’ve mastered lob returns, let’s move on to groundstroke drills.

Groundstroke Drills

You’ll feel like a pro after practicing these groundstroke drills. These drills are designed to improve your footwork techniques and enhance your shot placement strategies. By mastering these drills, you’ll be able to hit more accurate and powerful groundstrokes.

Check out the table below for some of the best groundstroke drills you can do to take your pickleball skills to the next level.

Drill #Drill NameDrill Description
1Cross-Court ForehandHit forehand groundstrokes diagonally across the court to improve your consistency and accuracy.
2Down the Line BackhandHit backhand groundstrokes down the line to improve your depth and control.
3Forehand Volley DrillPractice hitting forehand volleys from the baseline to improve your net play skills.

These drills will help you improve your groundstrokes and become a more well-rounded pickleball player. By incorporating them into your practice routine, you’ll be able to master the fundamentals of the game and take your skills to the next level. So, get out on the court and start practicing these drills today!

In the next section, we’ll take a look at some net play drills that will help you become an even more formidable opponent on the court.

Net Play Drills

Let’s step up our game with some killer net play drills that’ll have us dominating the court in no time! Net play is a crucial aspect of pickleball, and mastering it can make all the difference in your game. To improve your net play skills, try incorporating cross court dinking and third shot drop drills into your practice routine. These drills will help you develop your touch and control at the net, allowing you to make precise shots that your opponents won’t be able to return.

When practicing cross court dinking, focus on keeping the ball low and close to the net. Use a soft touch to guide the ball across the court, aiming for the opposite corner. This will force your opponent to move and create openings for you to exploit. Third shot drop drills involve hitting a soft shot over the net that lands in the kitchen, forcing your opponents to hit up and giving you the opportunity to move up to the net and take control of the point. Incorporating these drills into your practice routine will help you become a more well-rounded player.

In addition to these drills, it’s important to work on your blocking technique and footwork. Blocking is a defensive technique that involves using your paddle to deflect your opponent’s shots back over the net. To improve your blocking skills, practice moving your paddle quickly and accurately to intercept your opponent’s shots. Footwork is also crucial for net play, as it allows you to move quickly and efficiently around the court. Focus on staying light on your feet and being ready to move in any direction. By incorporating these drills and techniques into your practice routine, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the net and taking your game to the next level.

Now that you’ve mastered net play, it’s time to move on to lobbing drills. These drills will help you develop your ability to hit high, arching shots that can be used to push your opponents back and create openings for you to attack.

Lobbing Drills

To truly master the art of lobbing, it’s important to incorporate these effective drills into your practice routine. Lobbing is a crucial skill in pickleball that can help you outsmart your opponents and win more points. By practicing these lobbing drills, you can improve your targeting accuracy and footwork techniques, making you a more well-rounded player.

One great lobbing drill is the “Lob and Switch”drill. In this drill, you and your partner stand on opposite sides of the court, and you lob the ball to your partner’s backhand side. Your partner then hits the ball back to you with a lob, and you switch sides with them. This drill helps you work on your footwork and timing, as well as your ability to hit accurate lobs.

Another effective lobbing drill is the “Target Practice”drill. In this drill, you set up a target on the other side of the court, such as a cone or a bucket. Your goal is to hit the target with your lob shots. This drill helps you improve your targeting accuracy and consistency, which are key skills for successful lobbing. As you become more skilled, you can move the target farther away or make it smaller to increase the difficulty.

Lastly, try the “Lob and Volley”drill. In this drill, you start by lobbing the ball to your partner, who then hits a volley back to you. You then switch roles, with your partner lobbing the ball to you and you hitting a volley back. This drill helps you work on your reflexes and your ability to transition quickly from a lob shot to a volley shot. By practicing these lobbing drills consistently, you can become a more versatile and confident pickleball player.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the proper grip for holding a pickleball paddle?

Ah, the proper grip for the elusive pickleball paddle. You want to feel like a ninja warrior, but also maintain a firm hold. Use a loose continental grip for control and agility. Now, onto those drills!

How do you choose the right pickleball shoes for your playing style?

Looking for the perfect pickleball shoes? First, consider your playing style and the shoe features that match it. There are many brand options available, but finding the right fit will give you the freedom to play your best game.

What are some common mistakes that beginners make when playing pickleball?

When starting out in pickleball, it’s common to make mistakes like not watching the ball or standing too close to the net. Improve your game with proper footwork tips and communication strategies. Imagine yourself confidently dominating the court.

How do you properly maintain and care for your pickleball paddle?

To properly maintain and care for your pickleball paddle, store it in a cool, dry place and avoid leaving it in direct sunlight. Use a soft cloth and mild soap to clean it regularly, and avoid hitting hard surfaces or abrasive materials.

Are there any specific dietary recommendations for pickleball players to optimize their performance?

You may have heard that sports nutrition and hydration strategies can optimize your performance on the pickleball court, but the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, one thing is for certain: the importance of rest and recovery cannot be overlooked.


Well, well, well pickleball players, it looks like you’ve made it to the end of this article. Congratulations, you’re one step closer to becoming a pickleball pro! With these 12 drills, you’ll be able to beat your opponents in no time. But let’s be real, who needs to beat their opponents when you can just brag about your mad pickleball skills to everyone you know?

So, let’s recap. You warmed up, served, returned, groundstroked, played the net, and lobbed your way to pickleball stardom. You’re practically a celebrity now. Just don’t let all the fame go to your head, or your opponents might start to fear you. Happy drilling, pickleballers!

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